
Her profession's her religion
Her sin is her lifelessness (from Bob Dylan's Desolation Row)


Careers and babies

Have your babies while you're young. I know too many women whose "careers" got in the way of childbirth until, presented with the unassailable fact of their fading fertility, they had one precious child, a child without siblings, without cousins its own age, with a mother never destined to acquire the experience of more than one child, the experience to relax, to let go, to let the child be a child.

What is it about women that they consider a "career" to be more worthwhile than having children? So they put it off and put it off, climbing up some meaningless, greasy pole, unsatisfied, deluded in the belief that it's all still ahead of them whereas, once they're past 30, it's actually all behind them and what lies ahead is medical procedures or barrenness

Have your children young, while you have strength and vigour and suppleness, while you can cope, while your grandparents are still alive. Have your children and then have your "career". You think because you're in your late 30s or early 40s your life is over, a career is unavailable to you? Of course not; you are at the peak of your powers; the world is your oyster. But, the other way around? That way lies desperation and delusion and, ultimately, failure