
"When you consider something like death, after which (there being no news flash to the contrary) we may well go out like a candle flame, then it probably doesn't matter if we try too hard, are awkward sometimes, care for one another too deeply, are excessively curious about nature, are too open to experience, enjoy a nonstop expense of the senses in an effort to know life intimately and lovingly. It probably doesn't matter if, while trying to be modest and eager watchers of life's many spectacles, we sometimes look clumsy or get dirty or ask stupid questions or reveal our ignorance or say the wrong think or light up with wonder like the children we all are. It probably doesn't matter if a passerby sees us dipping a finger into the moist pouches of dozens of lady's slippers to find out what bugs tend to fall into them, and thinks us a bit eccentric. Or a neighbor, fetching her mail, sees us standing in the cold with our own letters in one hand and a seismically red autumn leaf in the other, its color hitting our sense like a blow from a stun gun, as we stand with a huge grin, too paralyzed by the intricately veined gaudiness of the leaf to move." 

Diane Ackerman, from A Natural History of the Senses.


Diary 2013

Half term

Waitrose is full of mothers who are beginning to realise that the school fees are not nearly as expensive as they thought they were

18th February 2013


I am paralysed. Things occur to me, on walks, or in the night, or even while cooking. But I don't publish out of fear. She might not like it; they might not like it; all manner of those around me might not like it. So I remain silent, impotent, a eunuch, too timid, or considerate, to write. This has got to stop...

31st October 2013

Buscot Park shoot

We allow the local shoot to put a gun in the garden for one of their drives. Does this gun *ever* pick up his spent cartridges? No he does not. I imagine these people would be the first to complain if their gardens were similarly littered. Perhaps courtesy and good manners take a back seat to idleness, or pehaps the pervading sense of entitlement that afflicts this country extends even to those who are perfectly capable of cleaning up after themselves.


Stonkingly good article in Rolling Stone by Bobby Kennedy's son -

“Six weeks later, military and intelligence leaders responded by unveiling their proposal for a pre-emptive thermonuclear attack on the Soviet Union, to be launched sometime in late 1963”

And there I was thinking The Soviet Union was the enemy…
